Saturday, November 30, 2013

Days #19 & 20 Dashing Through The Aisles

So my Christmas marathon has begun. Food, drinks, recipes, gifts, wrapping paper, letters to Santa, advent calendars, Christmas parties and Christmas lights a plenty!

It's my personal mission to see that my family has an awesome Christmas this year. We deserve it! And I'm putting in a lot of work {fun work, of course} to make it happen.

From 10pm til 0030am today, I stalked every aisle of our local department store for lights, platters, decorations and trinkets for the treasure hunt I'm having for Mr 5 on Christmas morning. People everywhere, trolleys clashing like dodgem cars at the Melbourne Show, lines and line of people waiting to splurge on their credit cards {I was good, I don't have a credit card!} and not really a temper tantrum to be seen. Maybe because it was almost the middle of the night and most {rational} people were in bed.

I don't have many more gifts to buy but I really have left the most difficult until last, only because I've been putting it off for weeks. I've made a shopping list in order to put together an awesome Christmas dinner and can't wait to get cracking!

I couldn't be more excited. It's a special Christmas for many reasons- my daughter's first, my son's last as a preschooler and my first without my Mum. Apart from that part, I hope it will be a joyful day with lots of happiness and laughter. I want to honour my Mum by making Christmas a special time for my family, she made it a tradition to be together, to celebrate and enjoy each other's company, the least I could do is make sure the fun never ends.

Ho Ho Ho December 1st, glad you're finally here!!!!


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