Sunday, September 29, 2013

Heavens To Betsy- Is Anybody Up There?

There is nothing more thought-provoking or confrontation-creating than a hearty discussion of religion. I've never bought into any of these discussions, thankfully. I was baptised and confirmed Anglican in my teenage years and my beliefs in "God", "Heaven" and the like were cemented in fantasy.

Heaven used to be somewhere I wanted to go when I left this world. A place filled with fluffy white clouds, people you've loved and lost are up there waiting for you and everyone is playful and happy. This fantasy filled me before I'd lost anyone and had time to realize that I've never seen, heard or smelled any proof that such a place is real. Well, as real as the Coles Supermarket is up the road from me.

As soon as I lost the first person who was dear to me, Heaven lost its charm for me. I didn't get any signs from him that he was "safely in the arms of angels" or hanging out with those he'd lost. He was just gone. And that's pretty much what I believe. That when we die, that's it. I've been studying three branches of Buddhism for around 7 years now and I'm still not convinced either way about all that Life and Death stuff. Who knows, it may take my whole life to cement my religious beliefs in something substantial. And all I know right now is death bloody sucks, for those left behind that is.

People visit places and label them "their Heaven on Earth". I don't know about you, but I'd like to use another word. Heaven is apparently a place the dead, the good dead, go to. And all our cute childhood pets. And childhood broken toys, according to Master 5. I don't want to die and I don't want to go to another place. I like Earth and being with my family just fine, thanks all the same.

What do people believe it is? Is it:
A) a metaphysical realm?
B) paradise or the firmament?
C) a cosmological or mythological place where the most beautiful beings apparently reside?
D) Far North Queensland
E) It's all of the above.

It's something nice to believe in, I guess. That there is more to our lives than birth, middle age, death and {maybe} rebirth. But I really do need proof. Graphical representations of those fluffy clouds, harp players and beautifully made up angels with perfect wings that we read about as children. Maybe a witty, descriptive, informative infographic will help me believe? Social media helps anyone believe in anything these days.

What happens to me if I don't believe? Well, probably nothing. If I don't believe in Heaven, I sure as {hell} can't believe in Hell. Will I end up in this weird middle-Earth kind of a place, stuck between my "real" life and my next life? I'm not sure if I believe we have a next life, because again, I've seen no proof.

How would I get into Heaven? There's no waiting list, or maybe life is the waiting list! Do I need to eat all my crusts? All my broccoli? Get straight HD's at uni? Save three lives? It should be direct-entry for good people. It's easy to be good, so I'm not sure how the place isn't overcrowded by now.

I honestly, jokes aside, think that people are taught to believe in Heaven out of fear of the unknown. No one knows what happens when we die. Do our souls journey on? Are we re-born? Do we inhabit another creature? Our bodies become useless in this world. I've always linked my mind {brain} to my body so my "belief" {in very loose terms} is that our minds are wiped out when we are. Most people need to believe that there is more than our present existence. Otherwise, why are we here, other than to love our family and friends? To succeed in our ventures? And to realize our dreams and reach our potentials?

Get real. You may be like me and need proof before you step foot into new ideas. But I believe, right now, that this life is it, and that's that. It's a beautiful thought to believe that my parents are sitting together up on a cloud, but I'd need proof to continue believing this through tough times.

Why am I so skeptical? Probably because I've lost a lot in my life and have been provided, nor actively sought after solid evidence that God or Heaven exists. I guess these losses may have others believe that I've become bitter and closed off to new ideas. My sense of security and confidence in the world and its ability to keep me and those I love safe have been tarnished. To me, these are just feelings we live with, thoughts that protect us from the harsh realities of the cycles of life and death. But I do believe it takes courage to stand up either way and say "Yes I believe" or "Nope, I really don't". I'm bravely admitting that once I die, I only exist in the memories of those who want to remember me. I'll have no use for my body, and my mind will go with it. My soul on the other hand, is the matter of another blog......stay tuned.

Using the word "heaven" is easy. If I were to believe that it was that beautifully perfect place in the sky that believers describe, I'd want to be there now. But no, I'll match it to my life down here on solid ground. My idea of Heaven is being surrounded by those who love me, being able to function on my own, being sound of mind and enjoying where my physical life will take me. Sounds more perfect to me than the unknown.

What religion do you classify as your own? Do you believe in God? Rebirth? Heaven and Hell? Why? or Why Not? What events in your life have cemented or shaken up your beliefs?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this broad topic, I really would.


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