Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Making Your Own Future

Your birth, parents, childhood, home, schooling, career, friends, family, environment and experiences combine to create the present you.

One of these can be a greater force in your making than the others. Once you realize that there is a fluidity between the past, present and future, you can move forward. 

Miniscule boundaries separate these parts of your time on Earth. You never should forget how you move from one to the other, who helped you there and who you said goodbye to along the way.

So many series of combinations join together in life. And at any stage, you have the power to sway the direction you're headed in, even up to 180 deg. 

At the end of your time on Earth, be proud of the pathways you travelled upon, even if some were rocky and led you to dangerous, dark times. 

The power of choice is always a power in your possession.

Make the right choices for you because no one else but you can.

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